A sex crime charge is no laughing matter. Depending on the crime you are being charged with, you could be facing severe legal penalties that range anywhere from hefty fines to substantial prison time. A sex crime has the ability to cause serious damage to your reputation, your social standing, your employment opportunities, and even your personal relationships. It is vital that you speak with a sex crime lawyer and understand the common types of sex crimes in Virginia. Johnson/Citronberg, PLLC has the experience and expertise to guide you through the complexities of sex crime charges and help protect your rights.
Being arrested and charged with a sex crime in Virginia can be an overwhelming experience. If it ever happens to you, the first thing you need to do is reach out to an experienced sex crime lawyer who can help you figure out a strong defense strategy and carve out a path for your case. It is important that you exercise your constitutional rights and make sure the police don’t take advantage of you. You have the right to retain counsel and the right to remain silent, among others.
The court of public opinion may try to demonize you in the media and among your social circle. People may react severely when it comes to sex crimes, and it can feel like the whole world is against you. Despite this, you should never stop fighting for your innocence. You are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. A good criminal defense lawyer can make sure you are given the opportunity to defend yourself when it really counts, helping protect your rights and ensuring you receive a fair trial.
There are many different types of sex crimes in Virginia. A sex crime can be any type of sexually motivated crime that causes harm to another person. When people think of a sex crime, many people immediately think of sexual assault. However, there are many other sex crimes that are frequently reported in Virginia, and it may be important for you to know them. Here are some of the common types of sex crimes in Virginia:
There are many different crimes in Virginia that are considered sex offenses by state law. Some of the more explicit and severe sex offenses in the state include sexual assault, statutory rape, aggravated sexual battery, prostitution, solicitation, and carnal knowledge of a child. However, these are just some of the sex offenses you could be charged with in Virginia. If you are charged with any of these, you should speak to a lawyer immediately.
Depending on the sex crime you are being charged with, you very well could end up a registered sex offender if you are convicted. Virginia has many different crimes that could result in the convicted perpetrator being forced to register as a sex offender, which is often a lifelong punishment that severely affects every aspect of your life. Speak to your lawyer about your fears of the sex offender registry, and you can devise a defense strategy against your conviction.
In Virginia, a Tier 3 sex offense is a very serious sex offense that results in the convicted defendant having to register with the Virginia Sex Offender Registry. Some Tier 3 offenses that will result in having to register as a sex offender include kidnapping of a minor, sexual assault, sexual assault of someone unconscious, statutory rape, aggravated sexual abuse, and aggravated sexual abuse of a minor.
If you are legally required to join the sex offender registry in Virginia, there are a number of rules you must follow. Otherwise, you must go back to jail. These rules include registering within three days of being released from jail, re-registering on an annual basis, not owning a firearm, and not living within 500 feet of anywhere children are likely to be, such as schools, playgrounds, and daycare centers.
Being charged with a sex crime can be the beginning of the end. If convicted, you are looking at severe penalties that could affect your entire life. You could end up doing significant prison time or being forced onto the sex offender registry. You need experienced legal help to get you out of this situation. Otherwise, you risk complete annihilation of everything you have.
The legal team at Johnson/Citronberg understands the kind of help you are going to need to fight a sex crime. Regardless of the crime, the fight is likely to be difficult and extensive. We can help you build your case up, gather evidence that helps you, and advocate for you in court if it comes to that. Contact us to speak with a team member about your case.