Credit card, mail and wire fraud are serious federal offenses that involve obtaining something of value under false pretenses via telephone, wire service, email, mail service or credit card. Those facing wire fraud charges need a criminal defense lawyer with extensive federal court experience and considerable knowledge of sentencing guidelines.
At Johnson/Citronberg, PLLC, we provide strong representation to those facing complex criminal defense matters, including those related to credit card, wire, and mail fraud. As skilled Virginia wire fraud lawyers, we understand how these types of crimes are prosecuted, and we will use that knowledge to build a strong defense strategy on your behalf. We are skilled and accomplished negotiators and litigators who will vigorously defend your rights throughout the legal process.
The sooner you obtain legal representation, the sooner your rights can be protected. Contact us today to discuss how we can help your case.
Federal prosecutors will often charge people with fraud, especially mail, wire and credit card fraud, because it can be easier for them to prove and prosecute. It also allows the federal courts jurisdiction over the underlying fraud activities. Penalties for a conviction in Virginia can include up to 20 years in prison, although sentences can vary depending on a number of factors. If you are facing charges related to fraud or money laundering, our experienced team includes skilled money laundering lawyers who can help navigate these complex charges and defend your rights throughout the legal process.
Our Alexandria credit card fraud defense attorneys have extensive experience with statutes for wire fraud in Virginia. We will investigate and challenge the validity of the underlying fraudulent scheme in order to build a strong defense strategy for your case. Our investigation often includes extensive discovery and analysis of business, financial, and electronic records.
We are prepared to defend you against your criminal charges or criminal investigation, no matter how complex. Contact us at 855-959-4003, or by e-mail using our secure online form. At our office location in Alexandra and satellite in Charlottesville, we are able to represent clients in Virginia and throughout the D.C. area.