Manassas, VA Child Pornography Lawyer

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Manassas, VA Child Pornography Attorney

Facing charges for child pornography crimes in Manassas, Virginia, implies serious criminal and collateral consequences. Individuals who are accused of child porn crimes in the area can face long periods in prison, mandatory registration as a sex offender, and estrangement within their communities. If you are facing such charges, a skilled Manassas, VA, child pornography lawyer from Johnson/Citronberg is here to fiercely defend your case.

manassas va child pornography lawyer

The Legal Team at Johnson/Citronberg

At Johnson/Citronberg, our experienced criminal defense legal team has years of combined experience successfully handling child pornography cases. We understand the local legal landscape in Fairfax, Virginia, and can leverage our connections and resources to fight for optimal case outcomes.

As the legal landscape surrounding child pornography laws is ever-evolving, it is critical to work with legal professionals who have a deep understanding of such rules and regulations and the subsequent impact this can have on your case. Our team is highly knowledgeable in this area of law, allowing us to develop strong defense strategies for your case.

We can make sure that your rights are protected throughout the defense legal process. Additionally, we can look over the circumstances of your search and arrest to ensure that your constitutional rights were not breached. Whether you are going through an investigation or trial, our legal team is dedicated to ensuring the protection of your rights and privacy. If we identify any breaches, we can fight accordingly for a fair legal process.

How Can a Manassas, VA, Child Pornography Lawyer Support My Case?

A Manassas, Virginia, child pornography defense lawyer can support your case from start to finish, ensuring that a strong defense is mounted and that your rights are protected. More specifically, an experienced criminal defense lawyer from Johnson/Citronberg can support you in the following ways:

  • Giving sound legal guidance. As child pornography laws are highly complex, it is critical to work with a knowledgeable attorney who can give you straightforward information regarding the charges you’re dealing with, subsequent legal processes, and potential case outcomes. A lawyer from our firm can help you understand your rights, preparing you for legal processes in advance so that you are positioned for a strong case defense.
  • Investigating your case. A skilled criminal defense lawyer from our firm can thoroughly look into your case, including evidence against you and subsequent legal processes. They can determine whether the prosecution’s evidence, such as digital files and computer data, is valid and can adequately imply your guilt. If they find that you were illegally searched or that evidence was not seized according to the law, they can work to get the resulting evidence suppressed.
  • Developing robust defense measures. A lawyer from our firm can take into account your case details and the prosecution’s arguments and evidence to develop a compelling defense strategy. They may leverage multiple tactics, such as calling into question the validity of the evidence, insisting that your rights were breached, and proposing a potential alternative criminal penalty.
  • Litigating and negotiating on your behalf. As the stakes are high in child pornography cases, an experienced lawyer from our firm is here to provide you with excellent defense strategies to protect your reputation and future. In some cases, negotiation may be necessary, and our legal team can work to ensure you receive optimal sentencing and case outcomes through this method.

Overall, a Manassas child pornography lawyer from our law firm is highly equipped with knowledge and experience to help you build an aggressive and versatile defense strategy against your charges. From examining the details of your case to negotiating or litigating on your behalf, we can fight for a positive outcome.


What Is the Virginia Code for Child Pornography Sex Offenders?

For child pornography offenses, the section of the Virginia Code that is commonly applicable is “§ 18.2-374.1:1. Possession, reproduction, distribution, solicitation, and facilitation of child pornography; penalty.” This section lists the penalties and laws that have to do with child pornography-related crimes in the state. Since these crimes are classified as severe felonies, there are strict consequences, such as prison sentences and mandatory sex offender registration.

Do Child Pornography Sex Offenders Have to Tell Neighbors in Virginia?

In Virginia, individuals who have been convicted of child pornography crimes are not legally required to tell their neighbors about their convictions personally. However, as they will need to be registered as a sex offender, this information can be publicly accessed through the Virginia Sex Offender Registry website. On this website, neighbors can see which sex offenders are living near them. In severe cases, law enforcement may send out a notification to neighbors.

Can a Registered Child Pornography Sex Offender Get Custody in Virginia?

In Virginia, it is typically highly complex for convicted child pornography sex offenders to have legal and physical custody over a child. As the courts will usually determine custody based on the child’s best interests, they will be less likely to support a parenting situation that involves a registered sex offender. It’s important to note, however, that each situation is determined on a case-by-case basis, meaning that the offender could possibly get custody.

How Long Do You Have to Be on the Sex Offender Registry in Virginia for Child Pornography?

The amount of time an individual who was convicted for a child pornography crime has to be on the Virginia Sex Offender Registry is dependent on various factors, including the type of crime committed and the severity of the crime. Since child pornography crimes are usually classified as Tier III, this means offenders will need to be registered for the rest of their lives. To understand how long you may need to be registered, it’s important to work with a lawyer.

Get Legal Consultation from a Child Pornography Lawyer at Johnson/Citronberg, PLLC

Being convicted of child pornography crimes in Virginia comes with serious criminal and collateral consequences. Therefore, it is pertinent to act quickly if you are facing child pornography crimes charges and mount a strong defense. A Manassas, Virginia, child pornography lawyer from Johnson/Citronberg is here to challenge arguments and evidence brought against you by the prosecution. Contact us today to start fighting back.

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