If you are facing charges for pornography possession, distribution, manufacturing, or other related charges, then you are facing serious penalties, including hefty fines and periods in jail or prison. Therefore, it is critical to work with an experienced child pornography defense attorney who can assess… [...]
If you are facing charges for child pornography in Virginia or Georgia or from the federal government, then you are likely wondering what potential sentences you could be facing. While an experienced and skilled child pornography defense lawyer can help you understand the particular potential… [...]
If you are facing federal pornography crime charges in the state of Virginia, then you may be charged by local or federal authorities. It’s important to note that the jurisdiction in which you are charged will have an impact not only on potential penalties, but… [...]
The initial appearance in federal criminal court is the first time that someone charged with a federal crime goes before a judge. What happens at initial appearance is governed by Rule 5 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. What should I expect at the initial appearance?… [...]
Child Pornography Defense Lawyers In federal court, possession of child pornography is typically prosecuted under 18 U.S.C. § 2252 and § 2252A. These statutes require that a person “knowingly” possess an image depicting child pornography for there to be a conviction. State child pornography laws also typically require… [...]
Child Pornography Defense Attorneys When law enforcement searches computers for child pornography, they will often only find “thumbs.db files.” Understanding thumbs.db files is therefore critical to developing potential defenses to possession of child pornography charges. Below are several points about thumbs.db files that anyone defending… [...]
Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers DOJ Charges Three in High-End Virginia Prostitution Ring – Federal Agents Investigate Customers The Department [...]
Cary Citronberg, a partner at the Alexandria-based law firm Johnson/Citronberg, recently taught a legal course on leveraging autism in internet sex crimes cases to fellow Virginia criminal lawyers. The course, which was put on by the Virginia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (VACDL), focused on… [...]
Virginia’s criminal justice system has recently acknowledged that autism can contribute to an individual being arrested, and a result, it now allows for the dismissal of criminal charges in some cases. This is especially true for internet sex offenses such as possession of child pornography… [...]
Fairfax, Virginia — Our firm recently won a major suppression motion in one of the last remaining child pornography cases involving the infamous FBI investigation called Playpen. During the investigation, federal agents obtained statements from our client without first advising him of his rights under… [...]